Saturday, 23 June 2012

A little bit of the slime is wiped away

I thought I better get in here and blog today as I am feeling slightly better then I have been in the last two weeks. I don't feel like the world is collapsing in on me and that I am a stranger in a strange land so much today.  I don't know if it is all the sunshine or the 2 McGriddles I ate this morning...either way I am going with it.

The last time we left off I think I was having another sleepless night where all I do is worry, fret and generally think of myself as a failure.  I did go to that interivew I talked about and I didn't feel as zombie like as I thought I would, however I did get lost and ended up showing up 30 mins late.  They still let me interview but followed it up with a "you suck, you were late" letter...I deserved it.

Afterwards Roy got an invite to go down to Allentown to interview at a poshy posh supermarket as a butcher, we went he did great and they invited him back for a second interview where they would see just how great he is with the steel and then settle out of the final salary and benefits. So that Friday we were supposed to get down to Allentown I woke up SO SICK, at the time I didn't know if it was nerves about possibly moving 2.5 hours east of where I wanted to live, but a job is a job and we both need one each.  Anywho I puked my guts out, and puked some more, and puked until I thought my stomach would turn inside out...and then it started at the other end...oh yes folks this was full blown stomach flu.  I told Roy that I would still go to the interview with him we just might need to stop a lot!  However he said "No Way" and we stayed home...I got over it pretty much in 24 hours although the two days after the initial day I was still a bit shaky and stayed away from eating...mostly anything apart from Saltines (my English Roses, think Jacobs cream crackers).  Then on Saturday night Roy started puking and pooing..not great, he took a little bit longer to get over it but he eventually did get over the stomach flu. 

Remember the last time we spoke and I said about "bug bites" yeah substitute the words "bug bites" for "the worst poison ivy rash that ever existed".  I somehow, probably helping to weed the yard, touched or came into contact with poison ivy.  I have lived in the USA for 25 years before I departed for her majesty's shores and never EVER got this terrible rash...well in my 31st year I had my dues paid right back....this is terrible and can look like this

Thankfully mine didn't look this bad mine looked more like this

and no that isn't actually my leg/arm/extremity.  But I can say it itched really really really bad, like keep you awake at night, want to rip your skin off and douse it in bleach.  Which funnily enough is the way to get rid of it, or at least it was for me.  I tried everything but nothing worked for me apart from hot scalding showers (when you have poison ivy rash this feels like 1,000 orgasms...ohhh ahh) and after the hottest shower ever I wiped down with bleach...dried it up in almost a week and now I am down to one hot scalder a day and I can sorta sleep at night (when I am not worrying or fretting...which hasn't exactly happened yet).

So anyway after battling through the stomach flu, poison ivy rash, and the constant threat of depression...Dillinger decided to throw his hat into the ring and start limping  THANK YOU!  However it wasn't too bad I called this morning at 8am and he had an appt at 9.20am, and WOW were the staff and Vet a nice bunch and it only cost $12.75 to get his little foot back and running, he had a little bit of a toe nail issue that was easily fixed with a toe nail trim.  If you have ever heard me talk about Dill you know that he has major feet issues and won't even let me close to him when he needs anything done with this feet, so I needed to call in the professionals.

Also during the last two weeks Roy and I have been lending a hand at church for  vaction bible school (VBS)  if you aren't familiar basically it is 2 weeks of a program where all the kids in the church (and their friends) come to our church and do arts and crafts, have snacks and learn about Jesus.  It has been great to have a purpose, a place to go where people depend on you...even if it is to take attendence and paint some wooden boxes or hand out the snack.    Some of the kids were really cute but I left every night still thanking the good Lord that I didn't have any brats to take home (much to my mothers dismay).  Last night was the final night for VBS and I have to say that I am a little sad to not be going anymore.  I will miss it, and I will have to find something to do during my evenings now.

As for us, we are still looking for jobs, I am applying for everything that I "think" I can do.  I have given up on applying for the fun stuff, because someone else always gets that job not me.  I have also found out that I am terrified of not being able to do a tough job, so I have been applying for the stuff I know I can do with my eyes closed.  Hello my name is Kristen and I have no confidence (Hello Kristen).    Roy is also applying and is slowly losing the will to live, but in true knight-in-shining-armor he encourages me everyday and tries to keep the faith that things will work out. 

Roy finally got ahold of Alan the other day and had a good long chat with him..he is doing ok and keeping busy.

In keeping with my good mood I thought I would just say that I am thankful for everyone telling us that things will work out, that God has a good plans for us, and for just praying for us.  I also want to thank the Hassinger family who keep giving us some work here and there, which helps to keep the wolves from the door and food on the table and I am eternally grateful.  Also thanks to Sally for the pep talks and the constant support and to Ike and Ashley for keeping the "British Butcher" in mind, I know that Roy values that as well.  Also thank you to our church family who keep encouraging us and praying for us there is too many to mention and I don't want to offend anyone if I forget to mention you here.  A final and huge thanks goes to Mom, we havent yet fought and you are always a source of laughter, common sense and encouragement...thanks for helping with Dad and being the buffer between me and family memebers who are not my biggest fan.

Well off to go do something productive.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

My 2.21am, freaking out, can't sleep, oh-my-goodness-what-have-I-done-blog!

It's 2.23am here in the good old US of A and I can't sleep.  I have an interview tomorrow, and I am supposed to be fresh and professional, and I want to be fresh and professional...but I just can not stop worrying and freaking out and thinking I have made the worst mistake moving here.  I left a job that I loved and by all accounts (from what I heard from the glowing comments, emails, and subsequent Faccebook comments from all my now former co-workers) I was pretty friggin good at.  Roy left a job that he was beginning to really take flight in, however he didn't "technically" have a job after May 19th, but I am sure something would have worked out there. 

Did we move to soon? We only had about 3 more years of me working 7 days a week and Roy working when he could find a steady placement until we were debt free.  My 2.27am brain is convinced that we might have been too hasty in our upping sticks and moving the farm here.  I am also convinced I am being severely attacked by the dark side of life.  I feel like there isn't a job out there for me.  I have been looking and applying and looking and applying and nothing is a solid "Oh heck yeah,' I would love to do that", and I am TERRIFIED of getting into a job I HATE and getting stuck.  I have this heartburn growing in my chest because I don't know what is out there for us, and I don't feel like a contributing member of society because I am not contributing financially to that all makes me very teary.

I didn't picture at 31 that I would be still living at home with a parent, married, covered in bug bites, crying, unable to sleep with this little thing as my 2.32am companion.

I also didn't know I was gonna visit my only 60 year old father in a nursing home, and not have a thing of value to my name apart from my dog, and my wedding rings.  It is a lot to take in and a lot to deal with and I thought I had this game on lock!  I guess I don't and now it is coming out in a can't sleep, major life re-thinking, what-the-h-am-I-gonna-do-now, freak out.

To be honest I don't have much option here, I can't move back to the UK, we dont' have the money for that and we don't have jobs there either, and who knows if Alan would even let us move back in.  I have to stay here and maybe start applying to "Would you like fries with that" academy., but my inner job snobbiness won't let me..but I have to suck up my pride once again and go and get the necessary done..*wretch*

I pretty sure what brought this freak out on is all the "you suck, we don't want you" letters that I am  getting coupled with an interview tomorrow, that to be honest, when I applied I thought they would NEVER call me...but of course they did.  I am so waiting for them to laugh me out of the interview tomorrow, and I just feel this pressure, not from anyone else but from myself, that I need to excel and be the 31 year old professional, home owner that I so desperately want to be.

Today we looked at campers thinking we would buy one and just live in that, which to honest the campers (caravans) over here are amazing, not the Mom and Pop pop up campers I grew up siree bob.  However now that we are jobless losers, we go to car dealers and camping centers, and troll through real estate websites and say "well we would love to purchase, rent, buy, your product however we don't have jobs and we still live at home"....also try getting a bank account here when you only have green card and a passport and no other form of "US issued photo ID"...just go ahead and can't do it!  We are social pariah's we are the "foreigners", sometimes I look at people and almost wonder if they are saying "Well you did this to yourself Kristen, you deserted the homeland 5 years ago, don't expect us to welcome you back with open arms now"...ugh my 2.44am brain is a stinker isn't it?

Well I don't have a positive note to end on, in fact I think that my "I will blog and get this all out, and feel much better" blog is a total failure, and has only made my want to eat all the junk food in the house (but I won't because all the chocolate and sugary, salty junk food belongs to my wonderful mother because I decided I needed to get back on SW to stop being so fat so I wouldn't get depressed) and I don't think a nice healthy apple would hit the spot...maybe a touch of trash tv will whisk me off and the sandman will appear...but what will prob happen is I will turn the TV on, Roy will come out from the bedroom and ask what is wrong, I will tell him to go to sleep because he needs to ace his fab interview tomorrow (he has one too) and I will sit here scratching my bug bites until it is time to leave for my interview feeling more like a zombie and sub consciously blow the interview anyway.....there's my 2.49am fighting spirit.