Sunday, 14 October 2012

I am back

I am back to blogging after a bit of a forced break, our laptop that we brought from the UK died about 3 weeks ago, we had it to the computer Dr, who tried everything to bring it back to life but to no avail.  My feeling is that we used the adaptor from the UK a bit longer then we should have and it fried the mother board,but hey ho it happens.  I am now writing to you from our new netbook, which is ok.  I am not much of a techy and my buyers remorse goes into overload when I go to places like Best Buy or even the techy section of Wal-mart.  However racing home to get to the library one night a week to monitor bank accounts and bill payments and Skype with all my buddies in two countries isn't ideal, so off we went to Best Buy on Saturday and I whipped around (literally jogged) around the laptop section and ruled out anything above the $400 range (I know the geek squad out there is head slapping at the moment and screaming WHYYYYY you can't put a price on 3,00,000, megs of ram, or some techy crap like that).  We had it narrowed down between 3 netbooks (cause they were the cheapest) that we liked and headed off to Staples to compare prices...when walking into Staples I got my hopes up because they were having a technology clearence.....CLEARENCE MY BACKSIDE...I don't know what they were originally priced at but they had nothing under $700.  I walked out Staples yelling "YO MOMMA" and strutting back to Best Buy.  Where we purchased the netbook I am on and an external cd drive...and that is thoroughly bored yet?  I sure am.

So I finally got to get back to becoming a future farmers wife, well as close I can get living in-town.  Saturday I started my laudry ritual, cleaned the kitchen, and was contemplating mowing the grass (hopefully for the last time this year),but I didn't want to wake my Mom up (she works nights).  So just as I sat down to figure out something to do with my Saturday (hubby works every weekend so I have my weekends to myself, which is bitter sweet).  Just as I was sitting down with my coffee Mom got up and took her dog to the groomers, I ran out to the shed, hopped on the John Deere,it took a bit to fire it up but I got it there, and started cutting the grass.  Mowing is one of my favorite things to do, I always think about things, dream about my own grass that I hope to be cutting in the near future, and I always set myself a side project for when I am done mowing the grass, like weeding the front beds or tidying up the dog grave that we have near the pool.  I was contemplating taking on this part of the yard we call the jungle, my Mom's house (don't judge, yes I live with my Mom at the moment) sits on an old greenhouse/garden center site.  Her pool house is the furnace room of one of the green houses and there is 2 other buildings.  Between the pool house and another random building that,  to be honest I couldn't tell you what it has in anymore, there is a patch of ground that has become overgrown and jungle like...we usually throw the dead animals that find their way into the pool in there, and the dogs like to explore in the jungle..and in the summer it has plenty of wonderful poison ivy to ruin your summer.  Well, just as I was getting the brill idea of going in there on my own and hacking down the trees and digging up the roots and basically getting in there and making it something a bit more functional the landscaping guy I had asked to hack it down showed up.  Which made me yell "YEAH!!" a bit too loud (I was yelling over the sound of the lawn mower and "Big Girls" by Mika pounding in my ears).  So the jungle has mostly been hacked down..I am hoping he comes back to finish the job (as I don't think it looks done), however if he doesn't it is now to a point where I could probably tackle it myself.  While the landscaping guy was hacking the jungle down, I weeded out the left side of the front beds and the sides and half of the center front bed.  I went into the house to make sure the dog weren't killing each other or using the house as their toilet (not my angels), thankfully they weren't doing either, they were sunning themselves in the sun spots on the carpet.  I thought it was only about 11.30a at that point but I was having so much fun being a green thumb that it was actually 1.40p and I had to meet Roy at 2.30p and I had some other errands to run in between...eeek.  All this outside work really inspires me and makes me want my own place so much more.  I can not wait until I have animals to feed and gardens of my own to weed.  However that makes me think of all the things I have to buy to keep my grounds looking fab, and that makes me hyperventilate a little.

The house hunt continues for us, we have found a few more houses that look really interesting, however as it gets closer to calling the mortgage advisor I am starting to feel like they are gonna laugh me outta the building.  We don't have that much of a down payment and we have only been in the US for about 5 months and we have been working here even less, however they told us to get Roy a credit card and call them when we get the 3rd bill can't be that easy surely.  I am trying not to doubt, and I am trying to be positive but it does get hard thinking of all the things we need to get  to just live in anything bigger then a tent.

Work has been going a bit better, however I still feel like I am getting fired every five seconds and I feel more like I am pretending rather than informing people (as is part of my job) when I am completing my work day.

I still feel really blessed to be living this life, and I feel that I am finding my spirituality and my way back to God...I think he is bringng a lot of attention to things in my life that I need to change...sometimes I make an effort to change those things and sometimes I get swept up into the world, either way his patient love chips aways at me.