I have often thought about starting a blog, and I have thought of loads of things to write, sometimes its witty, sometimes funny but mostly just about me. I have loads going on in my head and I think a lot of it might shock you or not, but basically I just need to get it out before it eats me up. I am not who I pretend to be, don't worry this won't take an Emo turn, I won't start writing about how my black hearts beats on steel razor blades or anything but sometimes what my mouth says is not what my brain is thinking.
I guess my first revelation is tonight is that I am a road-rage-aholic, nothing gets me a-cussing and a-swearing like a stupid driver or a high beam to the eyes. Just tonight you could find me rolling down the street in Hemmingstone screaming at an idiotic BMW driver who couldn't wait the 3 secs it took me to get to a point in the road where he/she could pass me without any hassle...ooooohhhhh noooo they had to make me back up even though I had further to travel backwards then they had to wait to me to get to that point in to road...I wound down my window and yelled something like "Where the frick did you want me to go?" and I am sure a gesture followed that up, but in the dark it was hardly effective. So that is my usual routine, I scream at stupid drivers in the morning and evening.
So do you wanna know why I named my blog I want to be a farmers wife?? Well because I do want to be a farmers wife, I want to live off the land and the animals I raise and grow. I am seriously addicted to animals and could quite happily be an animal hoarder if not closely watched. So I thought maybe starting a blog about how I intend to be a farmers wife, and all the other crazy ideas I think up and try to undertake would saitate me and maybe calm the crazy down in my head.
For now I just dream and scheme about waking up on my small farm, with my husband and 8 (maybe 20) dogs and letting the horses and cattle out to run. As for now I feed my one overweight miniature schanauzer and wish it was more, and I drive to my office job while thinking about growing my own veg, canning it, and feeding my family (of 2.5 people, myself included) come whatever the ecomnomic climate...this is my life's ambition...as well as having fun along the way.
Can not wait to see what you cook up in that head of yours!! Happy writing!