Saturday, 7 April 2012

What to blog, what to blog...

I know, I know, I have been pretty absent with my blogging lately, would you take that the old "life got in the way" excuse?

I have been trying to think of something that blog about, I mean I could bitch and complain about the traffic, finances, in-laws and work, however I have wanted to keep away from a blog that complains about EVERYTHING.  I read enough of those on a daily basis, and don't want to contribute to the social rot out there.

I guess my update is that I am surviving life, waiting for it all to begin in a little over a month.  Be warned that I will then say that life can't begin again until we are employed and have money in the bank, then life won't begin until we have a house or a place of our own....seems our life might be on hold for awhile...hmph! 

I have been struggling a bit with my look, or lack there of.  Someone at work thought I was 40 yesterday and didn't believe that in fact I am only 31.  I am thinking about cutting my hair, however everytime I cut it I am desperate for it to be long once again.  I want to look stunning, don't we all?  I just don't want to spend the time doing it.  I don't wear make-up ever, ok every once in a while I do think I look extra-corpsey and I pop some mascera on.  I think I look terrible with makeup on, to be honest I dont' really know how to put it on.  Would it be weird for a 31 year-old to have makeup lessons?  I have had people try and make me over, but I think I look like a old-age country singer who is trying too hard...ha ha sorry to those of you that have attempted a make-over on me...he he.

So I am getting really excited about this move, when I don't stress about the money or the lack of jobs.  I am pretty hung up on what car I am going to have next.  I love cars, I think that getting a new car is better than sex (sorry honey), even if it is a used car...I want to drive it.  What I really want is a Jeep Wrangler soft top...I know sooo impractical right?  Ok what I really really really want is a black mercedes benz...but let's be realistic here, let's stick to the cars I might be able to buy, so let's go back to the Jeep Wrangler.  This car is the ultimate winter and summer car, but I know that they suck on gas and they almost always have probs with their transmissions.  Roy and I need a car we both can drive for awhile, he wants a truck I want an SUV.  I wouldn't mind (if we had the money) shipping my Lexus over, but my Lexus is old and I think is starting to die but it fits me perfectly and wouldn't need much to give it a new lease on life.  So every once in a while Roy and I get on ebay and fantasy shop for cars, and that leads to fantasy shopping for houses, then I gotta stop and have a little cry because the house dream is so far off.

I need a lottery win

I think that is my brian dump for the moment, discuss and enjoy.

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