Sunday, 18 November 2012

My Facebook Rant!!

Please note before you read this and un-friend me, or text me nasty things....this wasn't directed at any one person, it is my personal opinion and I that is my story and I am sticking to it.

Ok here goes...I have been struggling a lot lately (and I don't mean struggling as in missing meals, and screaming "Whhhhhhhhhyyy" in the shower)  with my annoyance with Facebook, my question is can you be friends in real life but not on Facebook.   I have unfriended a few people on Facebook in the last few months that I still feel like we are friends in real-life.  I have exercised my right to unfriend for a few reasons, either your profuse use of swearing, my inability to literally understand what you are trying to say (sometimes just looks like random words you typed into your status), people posting nothing but song lyrics and inspirational messages, and finally dead baby pictures.  So let's address the last issue...

I can only apoligize to those people who have lost children, I know this doesn't mean much coming from someone who is a self-proclaimed unliker of children.  I am truly sorry that you went through that traumatic event, on the other hand haven't we all known tragedy?  I know that I won't have Dillinger, Capone, Roy, or my parents forever, in saying that, when they pass, I will not be posting pictures of their dead bodies in different positions and in different clothing for everyone to share in my grief with me EVERY DAY OF OUR BLEEDING LIVES!  I hate to say it but this isn't an isolated incident, I have seen this scenario of dead baby picture posting from loads of different ladies.  I can not post something humrous back to your humorous status while staring at the picture of your dead child/children.  PLEASE STOP POSTING THEM!  Again I am sorry for your loss, but honestly those pictures (in my opinion) are best displayed in a closed photo album.

Another thing that makes me shake my head in disbelievement is when people post pictures, statuses, etc...about how drunk they were...and then call off to work the next day for a toe infection, brain hemorrage, etc or the victim of said mysterious illness that is sooo sick that they can't come to work and sit in a chair and push buttons all day...posts pictures of themselves looking healthy and duck faced while they are not at work... HONESTLY  I didn't think there was such a lack of common sense here.  Honestly if I feel the need to not go to work...I am usually so sick that picking up the phone is an effort let alone take a "sexy" pose of myself looking relatively not illl.  Believe me if I dared take a pic of myself and post it while being would be ill isn't pretty and not something I want to share with my husband let alone Facebook land.    You know just saying.

Finally please, I know you might being having a rough patch in life, but the constant obsessing and asking God "Why?" on Facebook for the last 6 months is getting old.  I might have been guilty of this so I know this is completly hypocrtical....but I like to think I built a bridge and got over it.  I can only say that it is time to get over the boyfriend,girlfriend that wronged you, your animal that has passed, the grandma that has died. the kids you don't like....and quit posting the song lyrics to "Wind Beneath my Wings"....

What I did like was when the elections were raging over here and the fab stuff people were posting, either for or against my choice, it proves we aren't all the same and we all have our own opionion still.  I hate my addiction to FB, but I do love the connection it gives us all to each other...sometimes though people abuse that all makes the world turn.

God Bless

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