I have about an hour and a half each week to get all my housecleaning done. Which to me is nothing, an hour and a half is getting all the towels in the airing cupboard to be in a neat tidy order, by size, and color and then I need that 30 secs to sit back and admire my work. I love things to be clean and tidy and clutter unsettles me immensly, I can't say I LOVE to clean but I do like things to be clean and tidy so for things to be that way I have to clean. However I work 7 days a week, just around the 60hr a week mark, so it doesn't leave a lot of time for me to be a domestic goddess which drives me a little bit batty. I intend to change this when I become a farmers wife, for now the butchers wife will have to accept that she will have to settle for a quick wipe of the tub and the sink and that I simply just don't have the time to get out my old toothbrushes and scrub the taps and tiles clean.
Speaking of cleaning my favorite task and the task I always seem to be knee deep in 24/7 is laundry. Doing your laundry in the UK is a whole world away from laundry in the US...the UK seem to have an aversion to tumble dryers, while in the US we don't exaclty know how clothes get dry without them. I am still getting used to this after 5 years, we have a tumble dryer here at Sharpe estates but to use it requires a presentation to the Fonster-in-law, once that is approved you get a time limit to use it because "I am not blooming paying the earth for your clothing to dry" hmmph, and then you have to show him everything you put in the tumble dryer so he can approve the worthiness of the item to be dried. In the summer laundry is quite easy, that is if it doesn't rain (rain in Britian NEVER) because I just pop it on the clothes line and because we live so close to the sea there is a always a breeze. However in the winter laundry becomes a whole other kettle of fish, washing it is fine, drying it....that could take months. So once it is dry (which it never really is, God knows how I haven't gotten rotten crotch in the time I have been here), then comes the hours of ironing it. Ironing MUST be done because you don't have the heat from the tumble dryer to get all those wrinkles out. I have the added privilegde to be married to a butcher who wears heavy linen lab coats that require all my body weight on the iron to make it look slightly less wrinkled, so again if I had the time I would so rock that laundry in an afternoon (of course if the Fonster-in-Law is out and I can air the smell of clean laundry out the back door)
Have I completely bored you yet?
Ok apart from working all hours God sends, and trying to keep my house from looking like a hoarder lives here (honestly I don't know how those of you with children manage to have spotless homes, my hats off to you), I am also on a weight loss journey. Yes you heard me right, I have been on one for about a year now. I have managed to lose around 70lbs, but since June my weight loss has all but stopped, and since Christmas I have put on 10.5lbs (there I said it). I can tell you that in the beginning the weight loss was fab (I am using a program called Slimming World, kinda like Weight Watchers with the meetings and stuff but you are able to eat much more), but ever since I lost the first 50 my body isn't happy. For those of you that know me, know that I have been big all my life, I don't know why I eat so much I guess I just like it. However I don't want to be so big anymore, the people of the UK never forget to remind how big I am everyday so it is time to slim that ass down. My problem is I have lost my way, after Thursday's weigh in I sooooo want to jack it in. 3 more pounds on and I have been super good at eating, so to say I wanted to run out of the building in true Diva style is an understatment. I am torn between just quitting and really giving it a good go, and finding the time (maybe I can survive on 3 hrs of sleep a week) to get my ass up off the couch and go for a walk, or a strolll, or maybe I should just sit on the couch and try to melt my brain with another episode of Teen Mom. If I jack it in, I get to each shit again and gain all my weight back, if I decide to give it another honest go I might start losing again and become the super model size 16 I have always wanted to be.....the verdict is still out I have 3 fab weeks of celebrating to look forward to, maybe I will try hard in March.
My effort to become a farmers wife is in the research stages right now, well if you can call it that. Roy gets me all sorts of books out of the library so I can learn all about becoming the perfect chicken raiser, or the perfect gardener, or the perfect all around farm wife, but the time I get to look at these books is right before I hit the hay (see what I did there) and I usually end up falling asleep or smacking myself in the face with these books having not read a single word whilst falling asleep, so my research isn't going that great.
Anyway I will persevere and maybe I will do what I normally do and just jump in with both feet and learn along the way..ha ha!
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