Sunday, 26 February 2012

Not a lot I can say about it.

I haven't blogged in a tad of time because there isn't much to talk about.  Ok that is a lie,I have loads I would LOVE to talk about but I can't...for many reasons, but soon enough maybe I will be able to talk about things.

Mostly I have been working my arse off and burning myself out.  Friday night I was driving home from work and just burst into tears, no reason, no sad thoughts, work was ok that day, I think it was just extreme tiredness.  Then came the laughing, the laughter that I was sobbing for absolutly no reason, this brought on the I was a sobbing, laughing, hiccuping mess.  I cleaned myself up by the time I got home and didn't mention (apart from Twitter) what had just happend.  I just think I need more sleep and to use the word "no"  a lot more.

I am firmly back on track with my weight loss, I have really cleaned up my diet and SHAZZAM my heartburn disappeared and I don't feel so creaky in my bones.  Today I almost had a wobbly, but instead of getting the 24 inch french baguette I really wanted for lunch, Roy made a beautiful veggie pasta and I made an ok fruit salad which hit the spot a lot more then I thought it would and I was satisfied. So that is going ok, and I am hoping after this week's weigh in (I know it will be a gain, and I am determined to not let it bother me, but watch this space for my rantings after I find out how much I really gained) the scales will start to move downward again.  This weight loss will put me closer to the farmers wife goal because once I feel I am light enough to start riding horse again, I am gonna get back in the saddle and start doing something that makes me so incredibly happy (and hope not to get too hurt in the process).

Have I mentioned how lucky I am to be married to the man I married.  I know it is cliche to hear that I love him more and more everyday, but damn it is true.  When we first got together (in person and not online) it was an all con-suming, can't get enough of each other, every thought was of being with each other love.  The love I have now is a comfortable, secure, exciting, a damn-we-are-making-it...kind of love.  I love this love, I look at this man and think JACK-FRIGGIN-POT!  I have never been with someone who finds me irresistable and tells me so, nor have I been with someone who wants to be affectionate all the time and encourages with every crazy idea I have...but this man does and has done for the 6 years we have known one another.  I have always been the chaser for everything, so when I am chased it feels good and I don't want it to stop.  However I think he is the better spouse and I am not such a good love giver but I am getting better.  I have a small little part of me that is scared to give all of myself to Roy because what if he leaves?  I think we all have a small fear of that, but Roy does all he can to assure me what we have is real and isn't going to go away anytime soon.  So yeah I just want to say that, not because I want you to be jealous, or that I am flaunting that I am married, but because it is how I truly you feel and for the neigh sayers that say this kind of love doesn't exist...I can say it does.

Anywho my amazing husband has made some amazing meal that I must go and do some serious damage to.


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